We routinely conduct surface and subsurface geologic and geotechnical investigations and construction support which include;
• Feasibility Studies Development
• Geotechnical site investigations
• Laboratory testing
• Engineering Analysis
• Construction Observation & Testing
The first stage to the practice of geotechnical engineering is a reconnaissance survey of the project area which gives us a fair knowledge of the site and makes easy a cost effective design of subsoil investigation, such a survey shall consider accessibility, surface, subsurface obstructions and possible investigation methods with their relevance to the site situation and the structures proposed.
The methods of determining stratification and engineering characteristics of subsurface soils are the following;
Trial pits Hand auger boring, Mechanical auger boring Light cable percussion boring, Open rotary hole drilling Wash boring, Wash probing Static Cone penetrometer test Vane Shear test Pressuremeter tests Plate bearing tests. Detailed descriptions of the above methods as used in British practice are given in BS5930 site investigations.
The physical characteristics of soil is measured by means of laboratory tests on the samples extracted from boreholes or trial pits. Laboratory tests also provide data from which soil can be classified and prediction made of their behaviour under foundation loading from the laboratory test methods of treating soil can devise to overcome difficulties in excavation especially in dealing with the ground water problems.
The engineering analysis includes;
Foundation and Pavement analysis Ground motion analysis Slope Stability Analysis Settlement Analysis Retaining Structures etc
Construction Observation & Testing
Driven and Bored Piles
Ground improvement
Shallow Foundation
Pavement Evaluation
Field Instrumentation & Monitoring
- Pile Foundation
- Geophysical Investigation
- Hydrology/Hydrogeology
- Design and Documentation
- Project Management
- Project Supervision and Construction
- Inspection and Testing